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Argumentative Essay Examples Topic
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
University Education for Women
Examination paper Essay point: ladies ought to be required to attempt a college degree in creating nations. In today’s present day life, the job of ladies has become increasingly more significant in monetary development. In any case, in numerous nations, particularly in creating nations, low female instructive rate is enormous issue. This article contends that ladies ought to be required to embrace an advanced degree in creating nations. The principal motivation behind why ladies ought to be required to embrace a college degree in creating nations is that it can influence emphatically some social issues, for example, family arranging and absence of education rate.People need to realize that in most creating nations, the proficiency pace of guys is altogether higher than females. For instance, the level of educated guys in Vietnam is 94. 0% while the level of proficient females is 86. 9% (Phan et al. , 2004, para 3). Thus, as per Chandramouli (2011), the educated male’s rate (86. 9%) is a lot higher than the level of educated females (65. 5%) in India. Consequently, ladies should take an advanced degree to approach the harmony among guys and female’s proficiency rate.Moreover, if ladies take tertiary instruction, they may have more information to comprehend the significance of family wanting to abstain from having multiple kids. Another significant explanation is that ladies assume a basic job in family proficiency. As per Bhandari and Smith (1997), mother’s proficiency is identified with preschool children’s information, language and education abilities. For example, a mother is an individual who is nearest to kids in a family so mother’s conduct hugy affect kids. In the event that guardians, particularly moms have terrible conduct, their youngsters may mirror those actions.In differentiate, if moms have high information, they can encourage their kids better. They may recount to their youngsters important stories to ena ble kids to realize what is acceptable or not and improve in school. Having high instruction of moms likewise brings better medicinal services for their kids. Subsequently, it is better for ladies to attempt college training in creating nations which have higher birth rate. At long last, ladies with college training may have more open doors for occupations or higher social position.It is genuine that ladies who have more elevated levels of instruction, particularly tertiary instruction can find a decent line of work simpler. High-taught ladies can have vital information and social aptitudes which they had learnt in colleges to land position in today’s society in creating nations which are male-overwhelmed social orders before. Ladies have a few characteristics that men don't have, for example, adaptability, performing multiple tasks so on the off chance that they have high-taught, they can be more fruitful than man. Besides, having a college degree can assist ladies with havi ng higher social position.For model, in some creating nations, numerous high instructed ladies hold a significant job in the state mechanical assembly, for example, Yingluck Shinawatra-Thailand’s first female head administrator. Taking everything into account, ladies ought to be required to embrace an advanced degree in creating nations due with its impact to some social issues and its job in family proficiency just as individual’s benefits. Obviously government and networks ought to know about the significance of women’s instruction to make our general public better.References list: 1. Bhandari, R. and Smith, F. J. (1997), Available from: http://www. jrre. psu. edu/articles/v13,n3,p183-196,Bhandari. pdf [Accessed: May 5, 2012]. 2. Chandramouli, C. , and (2011), Available from: http://censusindia. gov. in/2011-prov-results/paper2/data_files/india/Rural_Urban_2011. pdf [Accessed: May 3, 2012]. 3. Phan, T. , Bilgin, A. ,Eyland, A. , Shaw, P. (2004), . Accessible f rom: http://detail. mq. edu. au/Stats_docs/research_papers/2004/Literacy_in_Vietnam_-_an_atlas. pdf [Accessed: May 11, 2012]
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Aesthetic Practice with Technology Samples †
Question: Talk about the Esthetic Practice with Technology. Answer: Skin maturing is one of the most unpredictable just as inescapable physiological procedure in each individual life expectancy. It has gotten a subject of broad examination as of late as there is a colossal psychosocial effect of maturing in an enormous extent of the populace, and skin wellbeing is frequently identified with the general prosperity and wellbeing view of an individual (Ganceviciene, Liakou, Theodoridis, Makrantonaki Zouboulis, 2012). Maturing can result from a summit of both exogenous and endogenous variables. A few logical methodologies are being utilized to delay, diminish or in specific situations fix the undesirable manifestations of maturing particularly in setting with facial skin. Aside from restorative and corrective mediation, late advances in innovation give a few electrical modalities that give compelling and moment brings about a non-intrusive way (Ramos-e-Silva, Celem, Ramos-e-Silva Fucci-da-Costa, 2013). The current report reveals insight into two such ele ctrical modalities, talking about their standards, helpful and unfavorable impacts assuming any, contraindications and preparatory strides to be taken while application. The last piece of the report talks about the given case situation of Natalie and gives suitable proposals in regards to the treatment methods that ought to be embraced, thinking about the unique needs and requests of the customer. Galvanic Current Skin Treatment The most well-known sort of electrical methodology utilized for the facial electrotherapy is Galvanic Treatment, which apparent from its name uses Galvanic Current to satisfy the reason. A progressed galvanic gadget is utilized to produce direct current at an ideal amount, which when applied on the skin prompts a progression of compound changes. The essential target this procedure serves is to improve the pollution extraction procedure of the skin and furthermore expands the entrance of healthy skin items applied for hostile to maturing results (Sun, Wu, Liu, Chantalat Omer, 2009). The gadget comprises of a test, most generally a roller albeit various sorts of tests are accessible, which is associated with a leading wire. Another wire is joined to another piece of the body ideally the arm or the leg to make a shut circle circuit for persistent progression of current. The roller is moved over the skin in the wake of turning the gadget on and current beginnings coursing through the equ ivalent. A low voltage current is applied and consequently the procedure is absolutely non-obtrusive and effortless. The initial step of the treatment methodology is applying an acidic arrangement over the skin surface, for relaxing the skin, expanding blood flow and opening up skin pores. This progression is named as Disincrustation and aides in proficient purifying and expulsion of abundance oil, clogged pores and whiteheads from the skin surface ( et al., 2016). After the purging procedure an antacid arrangement is applied over the skin before the use of the galvanic test, which lessens the blood course, relieves the nerves and firms the tissues. This progression is called Anaphoresis. The last advance of the strategies is called Ionotophoresis (Tapper, 2001). It includes the utilization of a positive post current to improve the entrance of dynamic healthy skin fixings. Galvanic Electrical Facial Treatment remembers a variety of helpful impacts for the skin that incorporates detoxification of the facial skin, expanded blood flow prompting expulsion of cell squander items, decrease of scarcely di scernible differences and wrinkles, further item infiltration, and skin lighting up. Be that as it may, this non-obtrusive procedure possesses a few contraindications. The disincrustation step may cause skin disease or bothering relying upon the affectability of skin. It might cause unfriendly impacts in the patient if there should arise an occurrence of quality of metal pins or plates in the face. Further unnecessary dental fining in the mouth can likewise present hazard with applying the immediate current. Frequently vascular and extremely touchy skin is increasingly inclined to be experiencing undesirable outcomes. A few safeguards must be taken by the esthetician just as the patient while experiencing the strategy. Inappropriate use of galvanic current may cause long haul harm to the skin. It must be guaranteed that a lot of items are available at all the hour of use of current, the test must be continued moving up and down the technique and the perfect measure of current force must be applied by the patient confinements and necessities. The force ought to be balanced gradually and easily and the cathodes must not be lifted from the face without turning down the power to zero. Further the obstruction of the skin must be observed constantly as a drop in opposition could cause unexpected increment in the present power. High Frequency Skin Treatment Another well known electrical methodology for skin treatment is High Frequency Electrical Treatment that includes utilization of substituting flow creating high effect motions over the skin. The rotating current is unequipped for delivering muscle constrictions because of its low heartbeat length. It is most ordinarily utilized for skin inflammation evacuation or cleansing of the skin however it can likewise diminish maturing skin manifestations. Two wide spread techniques are utilized: Direct strategy and Indirect Method. The Direct technique uses a glass apparatus that is applied legitimately on the skin surface. A few direct glass cathodes are accessible which incorporate bulb or mushroom anode, fulgurator terminal, roller cathode and pony shoe cathode. The procedure is regularly called effulvation as the present spreads everywhere throughout the skin (Rattan, 2004). Ozone gas is creation during utilization of current and consequently this strategy is exceptionally advantageous fo r sleek, blocked and skin inflammation inclined skin. A portion of the gainful impacts incorporate bactericidal and disinfectant impact because of the creation of ozone, expanded lymphatic and blood flow because of exchanging current and ozone likewise delivers a drying impact which is the reason it is alluded for sleek skins. In the Indirect technique the customer holds the test and the advisor finishes the circuit. Current moves through the body of the customer while the advisor messages the customers face along these lines finishing the circuit and making a warm loosening up impact. This technique is especially valuable for customers with dry drowsy and dried out skin. Cell digestion accelerates and action of sebaceous organs is expanded which can improve the presence of the skin a lot (Annet King, 2017) The general contraindications for direct high recurrence treatment are high vascular conditions, over the top metal fillings or bridgework, tense or anxious customer, headache, skin inflammation rosacea. So also if there should arise an occurrence of burn from the sun, unnecessary metal fillings and event of headache, aberrant strategy for high recurrence treatment must be kept away from. Certain safety measures must be taken before experiencing the method to forestall any unfriendly impact on the cline or the advisor. Before use of the anode the dials must be kept at zero pointers. Every single metal jewellery must be expelled to forestall encountering stun. Force must be diminished when applied over hard zones. The customer must be made mindful of the humming clamor and ozone smell to forestall alarm. In view of the customer data it very well may be seen that Natalie has been experiencing hostile to maturing facial treatment for as long as 9 months and in spite of the fact that she is to some degree happy with the outcomes she needs to incorporate an electrical methodology to his treatment for moment results. She is 42 years old has some minor warmth affectability to the skin and has dry skin. Moreover she has almost negligible differences and wrinkles over her face, experiences pigmentation, type 2 diabetes and is inclined to headaches. In view of the wellbeing points of interest as gave in the customer subtleties it is very clear that Natalie must not experience high-recurrence rotating current facial treatment despite the fact that it is helpful for dry skins as in the event of Natalie. She experiences type 2 Diabetes and is inclined to headaches, the two of which are huge contraindications for the treatment. Subsequently, the specific proposal is go with Galvanic Current facial Treatment. The procedure of disincrustation would give a profound purifying of the skin, expanded flow, squander expulsion and cell recharging. The iontophoresis procedure can improve the procedure of entrance of dynamic substances into the skin corresponding to minor manual application. Aside from the electrical modalities a few other enemy of maturing treatment items can be suggest for Natalie keeping in mid her skin nature. Nutrient A subsidiaries are profoundly powerful for dry skin treatment as indicated by a few dermatologists. Nutrient E has cancer prevention agent and saturating properties and has topical activity against the impacts of UV radiation. Other optional photograph maturing medications accessible are cell reinforcements, oestrogens, development elements and cytokines. Certain lotions are advantageous for dry skin as they help forestall water misfortune from the skin surface and give a defensive layer over the skin and hold water in the epidermis. A blend of nutrients, cell reinforcements and lotions can help restore the skin of the customer and forestall maturing signs and side effects. References Annet King (2017) Recovered 26 July 2017, from Ganceviciene, R., Liakou, A. I., Theodoridis, A., Makrantonaki, E., Zouboulis, C. C. (2012). Skin hostile to maturing strategies.Dermato-endocrinology,4(3), pp 308-319. Ramos-e-Silva, M., Celem, L. R., Ramos-e-Silva, S., Fucci-da-Costa, A. P. (2013). Hostile to maturing beautifying agents: Facts and controversies.Clinics in dermatology,31(6), pp 750-758. Rattan, S. I. (2004). The fate of maturing intercessions: maturing mediation, anticipation, and treatment through hormesis.The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,59(7), p
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Using Pinterest for Business Purposes
Using Pinterest for Business Purposes I feel like I am learning something on Pinterest, whereas Facebook is great for keeping up with family and friends, but often feels like a timesuck. by Larika Jones, Pinterest user One of the most buzzworthy new social networking sites in the past five years is Pinterest. Its unique functionality and user base is ideally suited to helping individual users learn more about areas of interest, as well as marketers accomplish marketing objectives. But how is Pinterest different than any other of the dozens of buzzworthy social media tools? Is it just another fad? Is it the real deal for brands and marketing departments? Or is it something that only hold value for individuals, as many social media sites have, over time, proven to be? © | Twin DesignIn this article, we will explore, 1) the purpose of Pinterest, 2) the benefits of using Pinterest, 3) setting up a Pinterest account, 4) using Pinterest for business, 5) Pinterest terminology, and 6) best practices for using Pinterest / business case study.1. PURPOSE OF PINTERESTPinterest is a visual social bookmarking site that allows people to collect and organize photos, articles, and other forms of content according to specific areas of interest. Think of it like an online scrapbook. You collect photos by pinning them to online Pinterest boards or Boards, and you can share photos by repinning them to other people’s Boards. History of PinterestThe idea for Pinterest came about in December of 2009, and was launched by its founders Ben Silbermann, Evan Sharp, and Paul Sciarra in March of 2010. Silbermann, formerly a Google employee, collaborated with his Yale classmate Paul Sciarra, first on a number of iPhone apps, and then with architecture stud ent Evan Sharp, on Pinterest.Initially opened to 5,000 members, the site took some time to grow its user base. The founding members and others worked hard on design details, and by June of 2011, the site began to take off. As of July 2014, the site had 70 million unique visitors. 53 million of those were from the U.S. and 85% of those users, or pinners, are women, illustrating the site’s popularity with women. Usage also skews younger with more than half of pinners are either members of Generation Y or Generation Z. As of May of 2014, Pinterest was valued at $5 billion. It only began deriving revenue from a small number of advertisers, including Kraft, Nestle and Gap, at the time of the valuation. However, prior to this, it had already begun monetizing the website by taking a percentage of sales generated from affiliate advertising programs on its site. In 2013, it received $425 million in venture capital. Main Purpose of PinterestAvid pinner and mother Larika Jones, of York, Pen nsylvania, notes:“[Pinterest] gives me ideas for all sorts of things. I can look at a variety of different common tasks and activities and collect ideas from Boards. For example, I’m [currently] planning my son Elijah’s birthday. On Pinterest, I can take a look at things other real moms have done that have actually worked, which helps me brainstorm.â€As Pinterest Board member Jeremy Levine points outs, Pinterest is “a place where people collect or talk about or think about things they want to do in real life.†It is an aspirational social bookmarking site. This strategic focus, unlike that of other social media networks like Facebook or Twitter, aligns Pinterest closely with brands and marketing, because the things people collect or talk about or thing about that they want to do in real life frequently involve purchases.2. BENEFITS OF USING PINTEREST Pinterest has many benefits for individuals. First is Pinterest’s basic value proposition: the ability to collect and or ganize content online and share it with others. As an individual pinner, you can learn about a topic of interest by viewing Boards on topics of interest, as well as network with other pinners.As a marketer, you can increase your content’s reach by easily sharing it on Facebook and Twitter. You can engage your audience by introducing them to your brand, sharing your brand with users who have indicated an interest in your product or service, and/or create original content relevant to your target market. You can also gain insights about new products you are considering launching by pinning images of prototypes on Boards and soliciting feedback. But, perhaps, best of all, because you are engaging consumers who have already indicated a likelihood to purchase a product, you can use Pinterest to increase sales. As per market research firm Bloomreach, Pinterest traffic has a 1.56% conversion rate (more than Facebook’s 1.13% conversion rate).3. SETTING UP A PINTEREST ACCOUNT To set up a business account, visit Avoid the form fields that appear prominently on the page. Below the red Sign up button is Are you a business? Click here. Click there and fill out the requested fields. Note that you will be asked to select a username. Your username will be used as a part of your Pinterest page’s URL ( It should either be your firm’s name, an abbreviation, or something closely related. Once you’ve filled out the fields, click Create Account, and voila, you are now a pinner.Because Pinterest’s design is grid-oriented unlike the newsfeed style that many other social networks like Facebook use, you may want to set up a personal profile and play around with it a bit to familiarize yourself with Pinterest, pinning and Boards before setting up a business account. The steps are the same, except when visiting, enter an email and password, and on the following page, your name, gender, and age, to create your account. Or sign up using your Facebook account.Once you’ve set up the account, you’ll need to add a the Pin It button to your browser’s toolbar in order to pin things easily to pin your content to your or your friend’s Boards. You can also spend a bit more t ime, and copy and paste URLs into your Pinboards.Also, make sure to explore apps that can help you maximize your Pinterest by using several tools which includes, but not limited to Curalate and Pinreach. Such tools offer different analytics for pinners, as well as others which can help integrate Pinterest with other social media tools, create Board-based storefronts, create images from text to pin, and much more. There are many more Pinterest apps available, with a wide range of functions.4. USING PINTEREST FOR BUSINESSPinterest is ideal for marketing purposes, as it revolves around aspirations. The content that people pin most often revolves around things they would like to buy or things they would like to do which involve purchasing. While Pinterest pales in comparison to other social networking sites like Facebook in terms of global reach, 90% of pinners have an income over $30,000, and 18% have incomes above $75,000. Proper online marketing techniques applied to Pinterest can yi eld impressive results, as 64% of pinners try a Pinterest-inspired activity monthly. Create compelling contentYou don’t need a graphic design degree to create an engaging and highly trafficked Board (although that can help). Instead follow these simple steps: Know who you are trying to attract and what is relevant to them.Map out a content strategy. This is critical for any social media tool. Know what content you will be pinning, when, and where you will get it from. For the latter, create a list of websites and Boards with content relevant to your followers and/or target market for pinning/repining, to couple with the original content you plan to pin.Label your image content well. Make sure to use labels for your images to increase the likelihood that viewers will repin it. Add text messages as well so that viewers are clear about your image and its context.Create a few boards before inviting or searching for followers so that they do not wind up visiting an empty Pinterest pa ge for your business. You do not need to have a surfeit of original content on your initial Boards â€" 80% of Pinterest content is repinned. But you will want to intersperse original branded content, along with relevant repinned content, to keep your followers engaged.Don’t just think images. Use, audio, video, slideshows (just make sure there is a striking associated thumbnail. Create infographics, which are one of the most popular kinds of image on Pinterest. Or run a contest, by asking customers and potential customers to follow you on Pinterest and pin engaging content on your Boards.Don’t limit yourself to your ideas either. You can create a group board, and afford other pinners to collaborate on the content creation and curation process with you. For instance, create an events board and invite pinners to post relevant events; a staff board, and invite staff to participate; or a joint board with a strategic partner, such as a nonprofit to elicit more content.Create rich pin s by using metadags and validating them (learn more here). There are five types: 1) article pins, 2) product pins, 3) recipe pins, 4) movie pins, and 5) place pins. Rich pins allow you to add more extensive topical content related to your pin.Because of Pinterest’s aspirational nature, keep your pins inspiring and positive. Also communicate your firm’s values to accentuate the goodwill surrounding your brands and products.Don’t just push your products. Pinterest is about tasks, activities, even lifestyles. You may sell a few products in a category, but the idea is to drive pinners to purchase by showing them how your product is a part of their desire. For example, if you just sell skis and snowboards, you want to create Boards that highlight ski gear, ski apparel, and other related images, products, and services in this category. You might go further and display images relating to winter vacations and activities. Creating compelling content can help you expand your reach an d visibility, increase your brand awareness and bring more customers to your website. Expanding reach / visibilityStrategically repin content. When you do it, the original content creator is alerted and may visit your page. This is ideal for marketers: repin relevant content from the Boards of potential consumers, who may follow you and revisit your other content. Also, look at repining content from pinners with large bases of followers; hopefully they will repin your content, making it visible to their base. Develop a list of pinners whose boards indicate they may be a good fit for your brand, as well as influencers with large bases of pinners and/or bases of other influencers. And quote comments as pins from customers and influencers to engage with visitors and drive traffic to your Boards. © Flickr | Nonprofit OrganizationsYou can also follow other pinners, as you might with Facebook or Twitter, and share their content with your follower. You can also connect your Pinterest followers with your Facebook and Twitter content, simply by signing in with either of those two networks. Once you sign in with Facebook, Pinterest will add a Facebook icon on your Pinterest profile. The same goes for Twitter. Don’t bombard pinners with content even if it is relevant. Curate the best images to grow your followers. Spread out your pins and post when pinners are generally most engaged. Socialfresh notes that during the day that time is between 2pm and 4pm and during the evening it is between 8pm and 1am. © Flickr | Stefan LeijonIncrease your brand awareness and bring more customers to your website Remember that Pinterest is a place where pinners collect and curate visually compelling content. Make sure that your profile and profile image are stimulating, and highlight your brand.Your content should be designed to drive traffic back to your website so that you can engage and convert consumers. Use images to do so rather than text, as pinners are primarily moved by visual content.Further, integrate your existing graphic brand assets with Pinterest (and indeed across all of your social media platforms). You should categorize and pin the most compelling of your existing online images on relevant boards, and use these to drive traffic back to your website. Pin images in a size that require you to click on them to read them. You can also add a Pin It button that will appear on images on your external website when pinners mouse over them. Learn how to do so here. This, too, can expand your reach.Finally, use a call-to-action pin, which can increase engagement by up to 80%.5. PINTEREST TERMINOLOGYWe’ve covered a few of the most important Pinterest â€"related terms above, such as: Pin: a bookmark of online on your Pinterest boardRepin: a shared bookmark on PinterestBoards (or Pinboard): a place on Pinterest to group pins on like topics togetherPinner: a Pinterest userRich pins: pins that allow you to add topic-specific details to a pinHere are a couple more:Mention: referencing another pinner in a post, of which the referenced pinner will be notifiedFollow: following another pinner, or any number of their Boards, to gain notifications of their updates and activity6. BEST PRACTICES FOR USING PINTEREST CASE STUDYBest practices for using Pinterest in brief include:Proper planning before setting up your Pinterest account.Integrating Pinterest with your other digital assets.Researching your target pinners and influencer pinners.Make sure your pinned content is accurate, and properly attribute the source.Use a watermark to protect your own pinned image properties.Label your pins properly.Follow pinners and engage your followers, by liking, commenting, and repining their contentDon’t overload your Boards with pins; space them out strategically.Track your stats and adjust your strategy accordingly.Follow the official Pinterest for Business page, which contains many valuable insights and case studies. © Pinterest One brand using Pinterest exceptionally well is Lowe’s which does not just push product. It’s most popular board is titled “Build It†and is designed to appeal to the legions of do-it-yourselfers (DIYers) out there. The board features products from many outside sources, not just Lowe’s. Appealing to DIYers has netted Lowe’s 3.4 million followers, or nearly 5% of all pinners. The firm uses this strategy on Pinterest not just to drive traffic, but for product research and find it tremendously beneficial. From Pinterest for Business’ Lowe’s Case Study:“A big part of Lowe’s marketing strategy is helping people feel like they can take on home improvement projects on their own. […] The Lowe’s team also uses Pinterest data to figure out which of their pins are the most popular and what’s trendingâ€"this helps them come up with new campaign and product ideas. […] They also track how the Pin It button performs on their site and in email campaigns. Popular items get featured across the Lowe’s website, Facebook and other channels.†Image credit: Flickr | Stefan Leijon under Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic, Wikimedia commoms | Pinterest under public domain.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Risk Management Processes In Banking Activities Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1944 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Recent years have witnessed an increasing incidence of significant losses in the banking sector. Many well performing banks have suddenly declared large losses on account of crystallisation of various risks like credit, exposures, assumed interest rate, positions and exposures in derivatives that could have been taken to hedge balance sheet risks (Honohan, 2008, p 15). The subprime crises of 2008 and the subsequent credit, financial and economic crises revealed the importance of the need to adopt carefully planned risk management processes in banking activities (Honohan, 2008, p 15) Banks assumed numerous financial risks in the course of their routine financing and day to day activity. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Risk Management Processes In Banking Activities Finance Essay" essay for you Create order With risk exposures in the banking industry being extensive and multi-dimensional, the selection and adoption of appropriate risk management processes is a complex and challenging task (Santomero, 1997, p 2). Risk management processes are further compounded by the fact that whilst bankers are aware of various risks involved in their regular financing activities and can take action to reduce or protect some of the activities that are prone to risk, there are some activities where the inherent risk has to be absorbed at the level of the banks (Santomero, 1997, p 2). These include activities where the imbedded risk may be too complex in nature to communicate to third parties (Honohan, 2008, p 15). The second group of activities include proprietary positions that need to be acknowledged and accepted on account of their risks and their expected returns. The credit risk in lending activity is a clear case where risk needs to be absorbed monitored and managed by institutions (Honohan, 2008, p 15). 1.2. Definition of Problem The development of the subprime crises and the following global financial and economic crises has resulted in enormous debate and discussion, the intensification of local and global regulatory activity in the banking sector and the conscious up gradation of risk management processes by various banks. With the memories of the crises continuing to be strong, banking customers continue to be apprehensive about the risk management processes adopted by their banks and the safety of their money in the hands of banks. 1.3. Aims and Objectives The proposed research project aims to examine the various measures adopted by banks to upgrade their risk management systems and processes. The aims and objectives of the proposal are elaborated as follows. To determine the various risks faced by banks in the course of their lending and financing activities. To determine the risk management processes adopted by banks prior to the banking crises of 2008. To examine the new risk management processes adopted by banks in the last two years in order to mitigate risks involved in bank financing activities. To determine the effectiveness of such measures and the extent to which they have improved the risk management processes of bank finance activities. 1.4. Benefits The proposed research project aims to examine an important area in banking activity. Most bank depositors continue to be worried about the safety of their bank deposits and the risk management processes adopted by their banks in the wake of the financial crises. The findings of the research project will throw important light on the actual steps taken by banks to mitigate the risks of their bank financing activities and help bank depositors as well as students of finance and the larger society by revealing the actual improvements in risk management processes and their effectiveness in safeguarding banking operations and depositor wealth. Commercial banks are essentially engaged in the risk business. They assume different types of financial risks in the course of providing financial services to their clients. Market participants use the services of these banks because of their abilities in providing transaction efficiency, funding capability and market knowledge. Acting generally as principals in such transactions, they use their resources to facilitate transactions and absorb risks. Angelopoulos*** Whilst banking firms do engage in activities like underwriting, investment and trust management and packaging, securitising and distribution of loans, which do not have implications for their balance sheets, the substantial majority of their risks stem from on-balance sheet businesses (Santomero, 1997, p 2). The risks that are involved in the basic banking activity of lending and borrowing are not totally borne by banks (Santomero, 1997, p 3). Banking institutions often mitigate or eliminate financial risks that are associated with transactions through the assumption of appropriate business practices or by shifting risks to other parties through appropriate use of pricing and product design methods (Santomero, 1997, p 3). Financial experts state that such risks can be, from the perspectives of bank managements, be segregated into three types: Risks that can be reduced by appropriate business practices. Risks that can be reduced by transfer to other participants. Risks that have to be actively managed at the level of banks (Santomero, 1997, p 3). Banks use a number of practices to avoid or manage risks. These include standardisation of various banking processes to reduce inefficiencies on taking of wrong financial decisions, development of portfolios that are diversified across borrowers and reduce the impact of losses in specific sectors and processes to hold employees accountable for actions that increase the risks faced by banks (Pyle, 1997, p 1-2). Some risks on the other hand are transferred through the use of interest rate products like swaps, alteration in borrowing terms and buying or selling of financial claims to concentrate or diversify risks associated with specific client basis (Pyle, 1997, p 1-2). The risks involved in some activities or classes of assets however need to be absorbed at the bank level. These include activities or assets are too complex to communicate to others or credit risks that are integral to lending activity (Santomero, 1997, p 3). Managements of banking firms rely on various standard activities to manage such inherent risks. These include the establishment of standards and reports. The formulation of position limits, the development of investment strategies and the formulation of compensation and incentive contracts for bank employees (Santomero, 1997, p 4). Each of these processes is complex in nature. The setting of standards for example includes areas like categorisation of risk and formulation of standards for underwriting and review. Standardisation of financial reporting helps in understanding asset quality and risk posture. Position limits restrict risk taking to assets that meet specific quality standards (Santomero, 1997, p 4). Whilst the setting of such limits is an expensive and complex task, it helps in restricting the risks that can be assumed by individual employees and organisations. Investment strategies provide guidelines to bank managers in terms of concentrations in particular market areas, the degree of required exposure to asset-liabilities and the requirement for hedging against risks of particular types. Whilst such strategies help in passive risk avoidance, banks also provide managers with advice and guidance on different types of investment activity (Santomero, 1997, p 4). The risks assumed by banks in their normal financing activities include the following. Angelopoulos Market risk Credit risk Liquidity risk Counterparty risk Operational risk Legal risk Banks by and large adopt the same process of risk management, elaborated above for dealing with these different types of risks (Santomero, 1997, p 4). The aftermath of the financial crises has resulted in intense soul searching by banks and analysis of their risk management processes for each of these different types of risks, the assessme nt of their effectiveness, the analysis of their deficiencies and action to upgrade existing processes in various ways (Santomero, 1997, p 4). 3. Research Methodology The adoption of an appropriate research method is one of the most important components of a research proposal. The choice of an appropriate research method depends primarily upon the nature of the subject and the formulated research questions, as well as the resources and time available with the researcher (Bryman, 2004, p 9). Social research is shaped by two basic epistemologies, namely the positivist approach and the interpretivist approach (Bryman, 2004, p 16). Positivist epistemology is useful for research subjects that can be investigated with the adoption of scientific and quantifiable methods of investigation and analysis. Whilst much of social research, especially in areas of marketing and consumer opinion are conducted with the help of social research, they prove to be inappropriate and inadequate for research subjects that cannot be easily categorised and analysed in scientific and quantitative terms (Bryman, 2004, p 16). With humans essentially being unique and often irrational in their thoughts and actions, much of social research involves subjective issues and topics that are multi-dimensional, multi-layered and can be interpreted in various ways (Bryman, 2004, p 16). Such research subjects are best served by the application of interpretivist epistemologies and associated research methods (Bryman, 2004, p 16). The choice of research epistemology is also by and large causal in the adoption of appropriate research methods. Positivist epistemology is associated with quantitative methods of obtaining and analysing information, even as interpretivist epistemology is associated with qualitative research methods (Creswell, 2006, p 42). Whilst qualitative methods essentially make use of techniques like sampling, questionnaire based surveys and numerical and statistical analysis, qualitative methods involve obtaining information through direct and extensive interviews with respondents and the expert interpretation of the information obtained during such interviews (Creswell, 2006, p 42). Both quantitative and qualitative methods have their own merits and demerits and the skilled and astuteness of the researcher lies in making an appropriate and careful selection (Davies, 2007, p 29). The research subject taken up for investigation, whilst involved with banking, finance and management of risk is essentially too wide and complex to be analysed through purely quantitative means (Davies, 2007, p 29). Risk management processes are basically designed, implemented, assessed and monitored by individuals, who aim to achieve certain risk management objectives (Davies, 2007, p 29). With much of interpretation of various types of risks being influenced by a range of subjective and interpretative issues like economic conditions, risk profiles of specific sectors and profit objectives of individual banks, the research objective of the proposed dissertation will be best served through the adoption of qualitative methods (Davies, 2007, p 2 9). The formulation of research methods also involves the determination of the methods for obtaining information (Babbie, 2007, p 14). Information for research purposes is obtained from primary and secondary sources, secondary sources being the information available in the public domain through writings on the subject by uninvolved third parties and primary information comprising of information obtained directly from respondents involved in the matter under investigation (Babbie, 2007, p 14). With qualitative methods of research being proposed to be used for the dissertation, it is planned to obtain primary information to direct interviews with executives engaged in a risk management processes with three important banks (Cramer, 2003, p 58). Information will be obtained through the conduct of carefully planned interviews with chosen respondents on the risk management processes that were used by these banks before the financial crises, the implementation of new measures, the re asons behind selection of such measures and the impact of the new measures upon existing risk management processes (Cramer, 2003, p 58). Information from these direct interviews will help significantly in answering the previously elaborated research questions. 4. Ethics Care will be taken to adhere to all ethical norms of social research projects, including adherence to the principles of informed consent, absence of coercion, freedom to respond to questions and confidentiality of identity. All respondents shall be informed about the purposes of research. Care shall also be taken to ensure originality of research, acknowledgement of sources and elimination of plagiarism of all kinds. 5. Problems and Limitations The main problems in the conduct of the research project could arise from the availability and selection of appropriate respondents for qualitative interviews. The researcher proposes to use known contracts as well as family and friends to locate and persuade appropriate respondents to participate in direct interviews. Whilst this process could take some time, the researcher is confident of being able to obtain the agreement of appropriate respondents to participate in the research. The research will otherwise of course be limited by the expertise and knowledge of the researcher. 6. Time Plan
Monday, May 11, 2020
Marketing Strategies Of Aldi And Waitrose - 1277 Words
Introduction to Marketing Unit 3: Marketing Assignment 1: Marketing Strategies Tutor: Sara Little Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two different organisations. By Ben Thorpe Contents 1) Title Page 2) Contents 3) Introduction 4) ALDI 5) ALDI 6) ALDI 7) Waitrose 8) Waitrose 9) Mind Map 10) References (Harvard Referencing Style) (Please note: Task 1, 3 4 have been combined together into one report. Task 2 is separate and can be found on page 9) Introduction This report will examine, compare and evaluate the marketing strategies of both Aldi and Waitrose supermarket chains. The report is divided into 9 pages with no appendices attached. Harvard referencing has been used throughout the report(s). Aldi’s Survival Strategies The three core values of Aldi are simplicity, consistency and responsibility Aldi’s Marketing Mix Aldi’s mix focuses on providing high quality products that are cheaper alternatives to famous brands. Aldi’s marketing mix therefore focuses on: †¢ Product – high quality ‘Like Brands’. †¢ Price – Aldi offers lower prices than its competitors without compromising on quality. †¢ Place – Aldi outlets are expanding globally. †¢ Promotions – Aldi uses a combination of above-the-line and below-the-line promotions with a focus on its ‘Like Brands’ and ‘Swap Save’ campaigns. Aldi’s Branding Aldi has had a massive marketing campaign in place since 2014, this campaign is called ‘Like Brands’Show MoreRelatedEffect Of The Sugar Tax On Consumer s Demand1741 Words  | 7 Pagesnational strategy to tackle childhood obesity. However, Paul Polman, Unilever’s boss argues that there is little evidence that proves a sugar tax would help tackle obesity (The guardian, 2016a). I will analyze the effect of the sugar tax on consumer’s demand. I will also analyze Unilever’s actions as a result of this deliberation. Story 3 After suffering their worst dip in Christmas sales since 2006, Waitrose is launching a value-focused campaign against its budget rivals Lidl and Aldi. The â€Å"PickRead MoreAldi Marketing Mix1926 Words  | 8 PagesALDI Introduction In increasingly competitive markets, consumers have a greater choice over where they buy their goods and services. For an organisation to meet its business objectives, it has to find out what consumers require and then identify the best way in which it can satisfy these needs and wants. Creating a competitive advantage can be difficult. A unique marketing strategy with clear objectives is vital to ensure effective promotional activity. Since opening its first store in 1913, AldiRead MoreLidl- Integrated Marketing Campaign4088 Words  | 17 PagesMiddlesex University , BA Marketing LIDL Integrated Marketing Campaign MKT2232 Branding and Integrated Marketing Communications Module leader: Moustafa Battor Students | Name | Student Number | | Nils Wurl | M00367256 | | Mihaela Palca | M00378081 | | Maedh Marsha Zambrano | M00384704 | | Sara-Sofia Broberg | M00373321 | Seminar tutor | Dinesh Nanayakkara | Time | Monday | 1pm to 2pm | Content 1. Introduction 3 2. Situational Analysis Read MoreThe success of Aldi1904 Words  | 8 PagesExecutive summary This report presents a business case study of Aldi, to examine both internal and external factors that drive Aldi to the current successful position in the UK highly competitive grocery market. The report contains the PESTLE, which analyses external factors affecting Aldi’s business strategy. Furthermore, the report will discuss the essential business strategies; include the cost-leadership and price strategy, which helps Aldi to obtain competitive advantages. In addition, the reportRead MoreTesco s Success At Tesco Essay969 Words  | 4 Pagesbillionaire investor sold 245 million shares after stating that his decision to ever invest in Tesco was â€Å"a huge mistake†. Before the downfall, they had always made a commitment to their customers with consumer research and being loyal as their number one marketing priority. The Telegraph commented on Tesco by saying that they were â€Å"transformed into the market leader in the UK – with more than 30pc market share – by being able to respond to the demands of its customers.†While analysts wonder if the dominanceRead MoreInternal And Internal Analysis Of Tesco1721 Words  | 7 Pagescompany that must have at least  £50,000 of share capital and has its shares traded on the stock market†, therefore Tesco can have greater capital source and shareholders in their business. As the external and internal analysis are very useful for marketing a large enterprise, this essay will explore both external and internal analysis that Tesco has been performed. First, it will define and outline the importance of SWOT and PESTLE. Then, it will examine the Strengths and Weaknesses of Tesco. NextRead More1. Based on the Case Study and Your Own Research on Competitors, Summarize the Strategic Approaches Which Have Helped Tesco.Com Achieve Success Online.1599 Words  | 7 Pagestrade) 2. Asda (13.36%) 3. Asda @t home 10.13% (17.1%) 4. Sainsburys (8.42%) 5. Tesco wine warehouse, 8.19% 6. Sainsburys to you 5.86% (15.9%) 7. 3.42% (3.6%) 8. Ocado 3.32% (owned by Waitrose, 3.6%) 9. Lidl 2.49% (1.8%) 10. Aldi-UK 2.10% (2.3%) Some companies are repeated since both their main site and the online shopping site are reported on separately. now seems to be performing in a consistent manner online to its offline presence. HoweverRead More1. Based on the Case Study and Your Own Research on Competitors, Summarize the Strategic Approaches Which Have Helped Tesco.Com Achieve Success Online.1591 Words  | 7 Pagesretail trade) 2. Asda (13.36%) 3. Asda @t home 10.13% (17.1%) 4. Sainsburys (8.42%) 5. Tesco wine warehouse, 8.19% 6. Sainsburys to you 5.86% (15.9%) 7. 3.42% (3.6%) 8. Ocado 3.32% (owned by Waitrose, 3.6%) 9. Lidl 2.49% (1.8%) 10. Aldi-UK 2.10% (2.3%) Some companies are repeated since both their main site and the online shopping site are reported on separately. now seems to be performing in a consistent manner online to its offline presence. HoweverRead MoreMacro and Micro Environmental Analysis of Waitrose Supermarkets8828 Words  | 36 PagesWAITROSE ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING MARKET RESEARCH CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------- MACRO ENVIRONMENT POLITICAL ---------------------------------------------- ECONOMICAL ------------------------------------------- SOCIAL ------------------------------------------------- TECHONOLGICAL---------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL---------------------------------------- MICRO ENVIRONMENT SUPPLIERS---------------------------------------------- Read MorePestel Analysis of Aldi2495 Words  | 10 PagesPESTEL Analysis Porter’s five forces – ALDI You are here: Home ï„… Business ï„… PESTEL Analysis Porter’s five forces – ALDI ï ³ 1.0 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: PESTEL FRAMEWORK 1.1 Political Factors Aldi, short for â€Å"Albrecht Discount†, operating in a globalized environment with stores all around the UK. It is a German multinational headquartered in Essen (reference). Hence Aldi’s performance is highly influenced by the political and legislative conditions of these countries, including
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Hard to Say Good Bye Free Essays
Is Hard to say goodbye Death is probably the only thing in the world that is certain in life. As humans, we are born, we grow, we reproduce and lastly we die. It is the natural order and as natural as it may sound, human beings have different reactions to such an event. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Hard to Say Good Bye or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout our lives, we influence or are influenced by people; these influences manifest themselves in the form of raising a child; being a teacher, babysitting etc. In all of these interactions, we create lasting relationships with those whom we come across when death happens to one of the involved parties; emptiness follows the surviving person. As a future nurse, and due to the nature of my occupation, I may be involved in a situation where I must deal with impending death. Emotions will begin to happen, on both ends. On my end I will be trying to help the patient, and the patient coming to terms with his or her destiny. In the following pages, I will discuss how my responses to the â€Å"Reflections on dying†may impact a therapeutic relationship with a mother of a three years old child who has six months to live. In such discussion, you will learn about my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and values regarding to death and patient relationships. Thoughts; Usually when I first hear of a death My thoughts on death begin with sorrow for the loss of a person who is significant on someone’s live. After meeting a patient who is a mother, and realizing that she does not have much time I will be deeply saddened to what is going to happen to her. I may develop feelings for the child’s well being. My second thought would be that of empathy. As a nurse I must show empathy, compassion, and strength at the same time towards patients. Showing emotions would most likely worsen an already sad situation. This patient is a mother of a three years old child; she will not see her baby grow up. Therefore, I will have the utmost empathy. Also, I will show strength. This is necessary to persuade the patient to live fully the time she has left. If I am the person breaking the news to her, I will be frank and to the point without keeping any information from the patient; since I believe that sugar coating the fact will lead to mixed feelings on the patient. I will tell her to make every day, every hour, and every second count and to enjoy her child in order to leave a lasting legacy. Feelings; after a while, my initial reaction to death Therapeutic relations with terminally ill patients will also involve mixed feelings. There will be a war inside of me, my thoughts will tell me to be strong, but my feelings will want me to feel extremely sad, sorrowful, and incompetent for not being able to help the patient. These feelings will linger every attempt to interact with the patient. It is natural for me to feel sad at the future loss; even when I’ve only known the patient since she started getting treated; still all life is precious. She is meaningful to many people, specially her child. I will definitely feel impotent, which will lead to anger for knowing that there is nothing that I can do to make her feel better. At that point, I will rely on my professionalism to expose and help me act accordingly. The reason why my feelings are normally strong is because when I was twelve years old, my grandmother died; she practically raised me. I spent more time with my grandmother at that time, than I had spent with my mother. I was asleep when I was told that she had died, and feelings began to run rampant. The anger, and sadness were unbearable, and ever since that moment, I have been very sensitive when it comes to death. Beliefs; My predominant emotion to death I believe that all life is valuable; this belief will influence my feelings but not my therapeutic relationships with my patient. Regardless of what I may believe, I know that it is my duty to provide treatment the best possible service to the patient. Being supportive to the patient, and her family members are my priority. If I was in the patient’s shoes, I would like the nurse to bring me up instead of bringing me down in a time of need. I would want the nurse to tell me my condition as is; that way, I can make the right decisions with my life. Also I would like to have everything clear when it comes to my child, and I would like to live my couple of months as happy as possible and pain free. Values; the way I may grieve Integrity is one of the main values I hold dear. A person’s word is their bond; without integrity, our words mean nothing. From integrity, respect and dignity follow on my list of values. My thoughts will influence ethical decisions when conducting therapeutic counseling. They will also reaffirm with my feelings to ensure I manage myself with strength. In addition, treating all with respect and dignity are a priority in my values list. Therefore, when dealing with a patient; everything else stops and I pay full attention to the patient’s needs. I will provide information and suggestions on ways to stay healthy and happy, even thought the patient won’t survive for long I feel that is best to keep the patient happy and comfortable. Conclusion In the last few pages, I’ve explained my thoughts on death. How my initial reactions to death would be and how my thoughts would influence me. Then, I explained how my feelings would manifest, and how they would play a part during routine interactions with the patient. I shared my beliefs and the connection between my beliefs, and thoughts when dealing with loss. Finally, I discussed my values as they relate to death. No matter which situation we find ourselves in; being the ones receiving bad news or giving the bad news; we will react differently to such an unexpected event. As long as we treat others with the respect and dignity they deserve, and we show the empathy we can make a difference on a patient’s remaining lifetime. It does take courage to show strength, and humility to show empathy, but the satisfaction to know that we have done the right thing would provide comfort to keep us going. How to cite Is Hard to Say Good Bye, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Marketing Environment of the Sony Playstation 3 Essay Example
The Marketing Environment of the Sony Playstation 3 Paper The PlayStation 3 is Sony Computer Entertainments new generation video game console, the third in the PlayStation series. It is the successor to the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 and competes primarily against Microsofts Xbox 360 and Nintendos Wii. The console was released on November 11, 2006, in Japan and on November 17, 2006, in the United States, Canada, Taiwan and Hong Kong. It is due to be released on March 23, 2007, in Europe, Australia and Singapore. It is available in two initial configurations, the 20 GB Basic model and the 60 GB Premium model. Very few products and services can satisfy all consumers in a market. Not all consumers want or are prepared to pay for the same things and their reasons for purchase can vary greatly. Therefore to effectively implement the marketing concept and successfully satisfy the needs of the consumers, different product and service offerings must be made to the diverse groups of customer that make up a typical market. The technique mentioned above is called market segmentation and is defined by Jobber as The identification of individuals or organisations with similar characteristics that have significant implications for the determination of marketing strategy. We will write a custom essay sample on The Marketing Environment of the Sony Playstation 3 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Marketing Environment of the Sony Playstation 3 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Marketing Environment of the Sony Playstation 3 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There are four benefits to be gained by successful segmentation which will be discussed in turn. The first being target market selection, which is a chosen segment of market that a company has decided to serve. As customers in the target market segment have similar characteristics, a single marketing mix strategy can be developed to match those requirements. Sony with their PS3 have decided to serve the young male market. This is evident through the products masculine, ultra modern design and sponsorship of major sporting events such as the UEFA Champions league 2006-2007. A tailored marketing mix is when marketers understand the requirements of a particular segment and devise specific marketing mix packages that meet the needs of their consumers. In this instance Sony have created a product with males in mind this is evident through the design and function of the PS3. The games are of a masculine nature such as fighting and sport and the product is advertised at sporting events and in male magazines such as FHM. Another benefit to be gained by successful segmentation is differentiation; this is when a company decides to target several market segments and develops separate marketing mixes for each It could be argued that Sony are trying to make the PS3 attractive to not only young males who are most likely to want to purchase it but also to others in the household with the amount of hi-tech features it offers. The last benefit of marketing segmentation is the use of swot analysis, it is crucial that the company to be able to do this effectively in order that new opportunities such as a gap in the market are noticed quickly, they are able to maintain and work on their strengths to ensure market dominance, be able to openly admit their weaknesses in order to improve them and identify and potential threats before it is too late. Sony may have used this type of marketing segmentation to identify the need for a new product. With its main competitor Nintendo working hard to gain market dominance through the release of the futuristic Nintendo Wii, It became apparent Sony has had to develop something new to wow consumers, as in the last five years there have not been a lot of major changes to the PlayStation product which has led to declining sales of the product which was once the strongest games console in the industry, which caused previous major competitor Sega with their Sega mega drive and Dreamcast consoles to stop producing completely. The marketing mix mentioned above consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its product. The many possibilities gather into four groups of variables known as The four Ps: product, place, price and promotion. A product can be defined as anything which is capable of satisfying the needs of customers. The Sony PS3 as a core product satisfies the particular need of providing entertainment in the form of playing a game, this is the central benefit required by the consumer of the games console. As an augmented product as well as providing entertainment it is also a unique product. No other companies make the PlayStation 3 and there is also a large and varied selection of games available to play on the console. Extra features of the PS3 also include the ability to watch high definition movies through the inclusion of Blue-ray software as standard which is the latest in DVD technology, amazingly realistic gaming, backwards compatibility allowing PS1 and PS2 games to be played on the new console and online connectivity; these are the extra functional and/or emotional values that combine to form the brand. Branding is the process by which companies distinguish their product offerings from the competition. By developing a distinctive name, packaging and design a brand is created. Most brands are supported by logos and for the newest addition to the product line Sony have created a sleek contemporary logo clearly stating PS3 which is displayed across the console. Having a logo associated with the brand ensures recognition; this allows customers to develop associations with the brand and eases the purchasing decision. By choosing to carry on with tradition and name the new console the PlayStation, Sony have immediately caught the attention of all those who have bought/supplied their previous models. This is a good strategy to employ as Sony are continuing to build on what is already a reliable and respected brand considered a leader in its field. The next variables to be discussed are promotion and place. Sony has not made a lot of changes on how they plan to promote the new PlayStation model compared to previous ones. It is being made available in every gaming and electronic store and as with previous models it is available to pre-order. Not only does this guarantee the customer will get a console on the day of release, it also benefits the company by giving them an early indication of how many consoles will be required. Sony are also continuing to advertise on television and on billboards. One of their most successful advertisements could be those of the UEFA Champions League which were very noticeable around every stadium during football matches and would be viewed by millions and most certainly noticed by Sonys chosen target market of young males. For Sony, having the privilege of being associated with the prestigious UEFA brand will do wonders for the company and will be a major influence on those who view it if they believe the company sponsor their favourite football team. It also creates the impression that it is only the worlds best and most famous brands that advertise with one another. The final variable to be discussed is price. The Sony PlayStation 3 is very expensive priced at around  £500 pounds (Woolworths). For some market segments price is a key factor in store choice. Those stores that have greater buying power can afford to sell the product for cheaper. Woolworths are offering a choice of free game upon purchase of the PlayStation 3 in hope to gain the majority of sales. Sony has also decided to release two versions of the product; a basic and premium version. The premium version; is expected upon release, to be one hundred pounds more expensive due to triple the amount of hard drive space and the amount of technology Sony have incorporated into the one console. This marketing strategy is to give the consumers the choice whether to buy the console for the sole purpose of gaming or investing the premium console for the use a whole multimedia centre. Sony hope that tripling the memory for an extra  £100 will encourage the consumer to spend that little bit extra for such a vast difference in capacity. If a child wants this console for a birthday present their parents may be more likely to spend such a high amount of money on this product rather than another because of the amount of hi-tech features the product incorporates and the way Sony have cleverly marketed the product as not only a games console but also as a multimedia Centre that the whole family can use. Sony have also decided to only release the more expensive premium package first in the U.K. Sonys marketing strategy for the PS3 overall looks sound and seems as though it will be very successful in re-establishing the well loved PlayStation brand as the worlds favourite games console. However there are some changes I would recommend to ensure Sonys success. As was previously mentioned Sony plan to only release the premium package at first with no immediate plans to release the basic model thereafter. This could be a very dangerous strategy as it is already very expensive meaning it could wipe out a whole market by being unaffordable to a lot of people. Most people also already have the additional technology that is being offered with the PS3 such as DVD software and may not be willing to pay the extra unnecessarily when all they require is the gaming ability. The console should also have been released worldwide around the same time. As it was released in America and Japan last year customers may feel they are no longer receiving cutting edge technology, leading them to feel neglected by the brand and they may take their loyalty elsewhere. The price is also very high as you can buy a full high quality home computer system for around  £500 built to your requirements which is available now and may be more practical for the whole family. Sony should consider this and perhaps think about lowering their prices accordingly. Other than the above suggestions I feel that Sony have employed a successful marketing strategy and predict great success for them with their new extension to an already well loved and respected product line.
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